Monday, August 20, 2012

Going to be on Hiatus

Hey, guys! You guys may or may not know that I will be studying in London this upcoming school year. Anyways, I will be headed to the airport this Saturday. It's quite a bittersweet feeling, but I think excitement overpowers most of my other emotions :) I've already packed a good number of my clothes, so I will not be posting up any OOTD anytime this week. I'm not sure what the situation will be like once I arrive to London, so the future of my blog is still blurry. My usual photographer, aka my boyfriend, will not be following me to London sadly, so I am lacking a photographer. It would be amazing if I make a friend who loves photography and such, so that he/she can be my photographer out of their own pleasure. (I always dragged my boyfriend on photo shoots haha.) Also, London is an expensive city to live in, and I am a broke college student, so it's going to be quite hard to go shopping often. I hope you guys keep checking up on my blog for any updates. Until then, I hope you can follow me on Instagram under FabulouslyBold to see what's going on through my day to day life :) Thanks for reading!


  1. Good luck! Your going to love it over there!! And there are so many thrift stores in London you'll always find great little finds <3

    I know how you feel! My Fiance is my "photographer" haha, but once I start college he won't be around in he mornings when my outfit still looks good so I gotta find a way to photograph...maybe mirror with an interesting back-round to it, while playing with the angles? Hmmm.

    Anyway hope you have a safe flight and remember to take lots of photos =D


    1. Thank you so much! I wish you the best of luck in finding a cool new way to take your pictures =) You're so sweet <3

